our story
At Cigar Payments, we offer more than just traditional payment processing. After years in the cigar lounge and tobacco distribution industry, we grew exasperated with the unfair practices of mainstream payment processors – the relentless nickel-and-diming, the surprise account closures, “high-risk” rates just because we sold cigars, and the murky terms that seemed designed to benefit them more than us.
We understand the unique needs of the cigar industry, and we were tired of one-size-fits-all programs that invariably came with compromises and the POS/Inventory systems that just barely worked for our industry. Hence, we set out to establish Cigar Payments, a platform designed to service the specific needs of businesses in the premium tobacco industry.
We take pride in providing an easily comprehensible, tailor-made pricing structure that ensures you only pay for what you need. Our custom programs have proven to save our customers thousands of dollars every month in fees. We stand firmly on a commitment of transparency and simplicity, offering no contracts, no hidden fees, and innovative Point of Sale (POS) and B2B solutions.
At Cigar Payments, we aren’t just a provider, we’re your partner, committed to helping your business flourish in the face of industry challenges.
Our Commitment
At Cigar Payments, we are committed to providing a payment processing service that is:
Tailored to the Cigar Industry: Our payment processing solutions are designed specifically for cigar manufacturers, lounges, and retailers, ensuring that your business is supported by a team that understands your unique needs and challenges.
Comprehensive Solutions: We offer a wide range of payment processing services, including credit card processing and ACH transfers, to cater to both B2B and B2C transactions. Our all-in-one payment processing solution streamlines your business operations, saving you time and resources.
Unwavering Support: We stand by our promise to always process your payments, no matter the challenges that may arise in the tobacco industry. Our unwavering commitment to your success is what sets us apart from other payment processors.
Transparent and Fair: We believe in honesty and integrity. Our transparent fee structure means no hidden fees, no surprises, and no misleading promises – just fair pricing that you can trust.
Secure and Reliable: We employ state-of-the-art technology to provide secure, fast, and reliable payment processing, giving you peace of mind and allowing you to focus on producing exceptional products and experiences for your customers.
Supported by Exceptional Customer Service: Our dedicated and knowledgeable American customer support team is always ready to assist you with any questions or concerns, ensuring a seamless payment processing experience for your business.
Advocates for the Cigar Industry: As fellow cigar business owners, we are committed to fighting for the rights and interests of our industry. By choosing Cigar Payments, you’re not only receiving top-notch payment processing services but also supporting a company that stands up for the cigar community.
We invite you to join the growing number of cigar businesses who have made the switch to Cigar Payments. Together, we can revolutionize the way our industry is treated and ensure a brighter future for cigar businesses everywhere.